Team Mexico
This picture was taken in 2016 at the workshop of our Acapulco chairs. This workshop is located in the Iztapalapa district in the east of Mexico City.
Seated; Sergio and Joris.
Standing from left to right; Carolina, Lizbeth, Jorge, Lupita, Sandra, Sarah, Karla, Alejandra, Mundo, Lourdes, Maria de la Luz.
Team Mexico
This picture was taken in 2016 at the workshop of our Acapulco chairs. This workshop is located in the Iztapalapa district in the east of Mexico City.
Seated; Sergio and Joris.
Standing from left to right; Carolina, Lizbeth, Jorge, Lupita, Sandra, Sarah, Karla, Alejandra, Mundo, Lourdes, Maria de la Luz.
Team Bali
This picture was taken in 2016 in front of the Fair Furniture workshop in Belega, Bali.
Seated from left to right: Samsul, Kadek, Kadek, Herman.
Standing from left to right: Komang, Pak Samin, Joris, Wayan, Ahmed.